If you use windows Xp, you can see your subscore in My computer properties,
In most time your lowest score is Desktop Performance
. So your main Subscore Icon is See your lowest value of score. So sometime you Windows Aero is disables.
In This article, you can know how change your subscore with out change hardware.
First Open Control Panel, then open User Account. In Bottom this window you can see Turn user account control on or off.
Click it. Then uncheck the Checkbox
. Then Restart your computer.
Then Goto blelow path.
In windows drive windowsperformancesWinSatDataStore
Then open last file on Notepad
. Then find CPU Score, Gaming Score ect.. in mid of first line. then channge there score value with one decimal (5.9). don’t go above than 5.9. as this save all scores. Then save and see your Subscore.
If your Subscore is not blue icon. Before do above guideline, refresh your subscore. Then do above Guidline.
Then after restart, your Windows Aero is activate automatically.

In This article, you can know how change your subscore with out change hardware.
First Open Control Panel, then open User Account. In Bottom this window you can see Turn user account control on or off.

Then Goto blelow path.
In windows drive windowsperformancesWinSatDataStore
Then open last file on Notepad

If your Subscore is not blue icon. Before do above guideline, refresh your subscore. Then do above Guidline.
Then after restart, your Windows Aero is activate automatically.
If you have question like this. Ask from us. We can give solution. Comment this blog or email me.
Change Windows Subscore
Not in XP its only in Vista 😛